The 4 Point Focus For Sharnford's Cub Programme
Cubs joined the scouting movement in 1916,
The provision is for 8-10.5 Year Old Children and the programme focuses on overcoming fears, learning new skills, exploring outdoors, always having a go and never giving up
Volunteering’s not just about giving back – the benefits go both ways. All of our activities are run by amazing volunteers. Volunteering lets you try new things, meet new people, and make a difference. We know that volunteering is #GoodForYou because when you volunteer, you’ll
Volunteering will keep your body and brain active as you make a huge difference to young people’s lives – helping them develop skills for life and learn a whole lot about themselves along the way.
It doesn’t matter if you want to get involved regularly or help out occasionally – we can find the right fit for you.
Group Lead Volunteer - Liam Curtin (Robin)
Team Leader - Chris Browning (Akela)
Team Member - Bhav Tailor-Westerman
Team Member - Vacant